Side effects of zobo drink

Benefit of Zobo – Zobo is a popular drink in Nigeria, and it is also known as ‘Zoborodo’ in the northern region of the country.

The delectable drink is made from Roselle leaves (Hibiscus Sabdariffa) and is not only refreshing but also has many health advantages. The hibiscus blossoms used in creating zobo are highly nutritious and as such have many health benefits.

For many people who know about the health benefits of Zobo, a fan favourite for many is the fertility benefit for both males and females.

Benefit of zobo drink

What are some of the benefits of zobo drink? Zobo is not only refreshing but it may also be used for a variety of functions in our bodies. Zobo is a very useful drink that aids in the treatment of numerous ailments as well as the relaxation of our minds and bodies.

Here is some nutritional value of zobo drink:

  • Promoting the growth of our docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid that is a primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin, and retina.
  • Anti-aging.
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Prevents inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • Fixing the body’s metabolism and delaying the onset of menopause.
  • Eradicating tuberculosis virus.
  • Helps our digestive system.
  • Aids weight loss.
  • Increasing our stamina and immunity system.
  • Detoxify the body.
  • Decreases blood pressure, cholesterol, and uric acid.
  • Resolving cough, mouth ulcer, and sore throat.
  • Help relieve migraines.
  • Smoothing our skin and reducing wrinkles
  • It is packed with vitamin C.
  • It has several antibacterial properties.

Side effects of zobo drink

However, it is crucial to realize that, while karkade can be beneficial in a variety of ways, there are some drawbacks to be aware of and avoid.

Here are some side effect of zobo drink.

  • Excess of vitamin C – The drink contains more vitamin C than that in tomato, orange and chili put together. As a result, drinking too much of it can cause real stomach disturbances such as stomach aches, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Lowering of blood pressure  People with low blood pressure should avoid drinking Zobo Tea.
  • Effect of hallucination – The drink can decrease your concentration and focus, making you feel light-headed and sleepy.
  • Lowers estrogen level – Consumption of much drink has been shown to reduce estrogen level.

Zobo drink and menstruation

Benefit of Zobo - What are the side effects of zobo? Is hibiscus good for kidneys?
Benefit of Zobo – What are the side effects of zobo? Is hibiscus good for kidneys?

The scholars say that hibiscus’ properties work in such a way that they stimulate the menstrual cycle. This is another example of the benefits and risks of hibiscus tea that are beneficial to some but can be a risk to others.

Below are three ways zobo improves your fertility.

Improves sperm count and motility

In case you don’t know, men also have infertility issues as statics even show that for 30% of couples who struggle with conceiving, the man has infertility issues. Zobo drink comes in handy for improving sperm fertility and even more so when it is paired with ginger and consumed regularly.

Stimulates menses

As a woman who suffers irregular menstruation, taking zobo drink can help restore balance.

Reduces menstrual pain

Zobo drink is particularly beneficial for ladies who have unpleasant cramps throughout their menstrual cycle because it provides natural comfort.

It is worth noting that zobo is not as effective on female fertility as it is on male fertility. It can inhibit estrogen production in women, resulting in miscarriage or early labor during pregnancy.

Aside from fertility, other health benefits of zobo drink include weight loss, maintaining healthy eyes, fighting high blood pressure, combating anemia, supporting the digestive system, curing hypertension syndrome, preventing premature aging, assisting the liver in proper function, and reportedly treating depression in its early stages.


Is hibiscus good for kidneys?

According to Thai traditional medicine, it is used for the treatment and prevention of urinary stones. However, no scientific study has ever reported any anti-lithiasic (stone) and/or uricosuric effects, particularly in subjects with renal stones.

Both green tea- and the hibiscus-treated group had shown significant nephroprotective effects. They reduced biochemical indicators or nonenzymatic markers of kidney dysfunction compared with gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity.


Does zobo drink increase blood?

Zobo may work as a laxative. Some researchers think that other chemicals in the hibiscus might be able to lower blood pressure; decrease spasms in the stomach, intestines, and uterus; and work like antibiotics to kill bacteria and worms.

The zobo drinks possess haematocrit properties that result in higher levels of blood volume and may be used for the management of anaemia. They also possess the ability to reduce WBC count.


What is the best way to prepare zobo drink?

It’s made from dried roselle or sorrel leaves (Hibiscus Sabdariffa). This vivid crimson drink is popular for both everyday use and as a refreshment drink at gatherings. This drink has many advantages: it is readily available, inexpensive, pleasant, refreshing, and contains numerous health benefits.

Benefit of Zobo - What are the side effects of zobo? Is hibiscus good for kidneys?
Benefit of Zobo – What are the side effects of zobo? Is hibiscus good for kidneys?

Zobo is not only refreshing, but it may also be used to control blood pressure, lower cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, soothe nerves, reduce stress, aid in weight loss, and boost sex drive. However, it is not safe for pregnant women in their first trimester because it causes menstruation and may result in a miscarriage.

Here is how to make a delicious Nigerian Zobo drink:

Recipe makes about 5 litres of zobo drink, depending on how concentrated you want it to be and if you will use artificial flavours, which require more water.

You may add artificial flavours and sweeteners such as Nutri-C and sugar if you wish.


  • 2 (De Rica) cups of dry zobo leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of cloves (konafuru)
  • 2 stumps fresh ginger
  • Water
  • 1 big ripe pineappl
  • Slices of citrus fruits of your choice: orange, lemon, lime – to garnish

Before you make

  • Rinse out the dust from the zobo leaves with cold water.
  • Grind the cloves into a powder.
  • Wash and peel the skin of the ginger and blend roughly.
  • Wash, peel and cut the pineapple into thin slices.

How to make Zobo drink

  1. In a pot, ass the washed zobo leaves and pour enough water to cover it totally.
  2. Cook on medium heat and leave to boil for a few minutes.
  3. Add the ginger and the garlic, add more water and keep boiling for at least 30 minutes. This is the time it will take for the zobo leaves to be completely soft.
  4. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool down completely.
  5. Blend your pineapples while your zobo cools.
  6. When cool, sieve out the zobo leaves. Then pour the juice through a chiffon cloth to remove tiny particles and leave only a smooth juice.
  7. Add the pineapple juice. You can sieve it through the chiffon cloth again to make sure there are no particles left.
  8. Add any artificial flavours of your choice at this time and stir.
  9. Pour into bottles and refrigerate.
  10. Serve with ice and sliced fruits. Enjoy it alone or with a snack.

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