Custard Apple Nutrition Facts: Health Benefits, Storage, And Preparation

A look at “Custard Apple Nutrition Facts” Are you looking for a delicious fruit with numerous health benefits? Look no further than the custard apple! This exotic fruit, also known as sugar apple or sweetsop, not only tastes great but is packed with nutrients that can benefit your body in countless ways. From aiding digestion to improving heart health and boosting immunity, custard apples are truly a wonder fruit. In this blog post, we’ll dive into all the juicy details about custard apple nutrition facts, including its health benefits, storage tips, preparation techniques and even some tasty recipes to try out! So sit back, grab a slice of custard apple pie (we’ll get to that later!) and let’s explore the world of this amazing tropical delicacy.

Custard Apple Nutrition Facts: Health Benefits, Storage, And Preparation

What are custard apples?

Custard apples are a tropical fruit that grows on evergreen trees. They have an oblong or heart-shaped appearance, with knobby green skin and creamy white flesh inside. The flesh is soft and juicy, with small black seeds throughout.

The custard apple is native to Central America but can now be found in many tropical regions around the world, including South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. It’s also known by several other names depending on where you’re located – some common alternatives include sugar apple, sweetsop or even Buddha’s head fruit.

This delicious fruit has been enjoyed for centuries due to its sweet flavor and numerous health benefits. Custard apples are not only tasty but also rich in nutrients such as Vitamin C, magnesium and potassium which help support healthy immune function and muscle function.

In addition to being eaten fresh as a snack or dessert item, custard apples can also be used in various recipes like smoothies, pies or ice cream toppings! So next time you come across this unique fruit at your local market or grocery store don’t hesitate to give it a try!

Custard Apple Nutrition Facts

Custard apples may not be as popular as other fruits, but they are packed with nutrients that can benefit your health in many ways. One cup of custard apple pulp contains roughly 148 calories and is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.

Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient that helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation. Custard apples contain both soluble and insoluble fibers which help lower cholesterol levels in the body.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system by neutralizing free radicals before they can cause damage to cells. Potassium helps regulate blood pressure levels while magnesium aids in nerve transmission and muscle function.

Calcium and phosphorus work together to maintain strong bones and teeth. In addition to these vitamins and minerals, custard apples also contain small amounts of iron which helps prevent anemia.

Incorporating custard apples into your diet can provide numerous health benefits due to its impressive nutritional profile.

Custard apple (Annona reticulata), Fresh, Nutritive value/ 100 g, (Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)

Principle Nutrient Value Percent of RDA
Energy 101 Kcal 5%
Carbohydrates 25.20 g 19%
Protein 1.70 g 3%
Total Fat 0.60 g 3%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.4 g 6%
Niacin 0.500 mg 3.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.135 mg 2.5%
Pyridoxine 0.221 mg 17%
Riboflavin 0.100 mg 8%
Thiamin 0.80 mg 7%
Vitamin A 33 IU 1%
Vitamin C 19.2 mg 32%
Sodium 3 mg <1%
Potassium 382 mg 8%
Calcium 30 mg 3%
Iron 0.71 mg 9%
Magnesium 18 mg 4.5%
Manganese 0.093 mg 4%
Phosphorus 21 mg 3%
Epicatechin 5.6 mg
Proanthocyanidin monomers 6.2 mg
Proanthocyanidin dimers 14.2 mg

Health benefits of custard apples

Custard apples are not only deliciously sweet but also packed with nutrients that offer a range of health benefits. One of the most notable health benefits of custard apples is their high fiber content. A single custard apple can provide up to 25% of your daily fiber needs, which promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation.

In addition to being a great source of dietary fiber, custard apples are also rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and flavonoids. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Custard apples are also an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and phosphorus. These minerals play crucial roles in maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and other bodily functions.

Moreover, consuming custard apples may help regulate blood pressure levels due to their low sodium content while helping boost immunity thanks to their high vitamin C concentration.

Incorporating these creamy fruits into your diet can be beneficial for your overall health by providing you with numerous nutritional advantages!

How to store custard apples

Storing custard apples properly is important to maintain their freshness and flavor. Here are some tips on how to store custard apples:

  • Firstly, choose ripe but firm custard apples for storage. Overripe fruits will spoil quickly, while under-ripe ones won’t ripen properly.
  • Once you’ve selected the fruit, place it in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. The ideal temperature range for storing custard apples is between 10-15°C.
  • Custard apples can also be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. However, make sure they are wrapped in a paper towel or placed in a perforated plastic bag before refrigeration.
  • Avoid storing custard apples with other fruits as they release ethylene gas which can cause premature ripening of the fruit.
  • If you have excess ripe custard apple pulp that you want to use later, freeze it by placing it in an air-tight container or freezer bag. Frozen pulp can be used for making smoothies or desserts at a later time.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy fresh and delicious custard apples for longer periods without compromising their taste and quality.

How to prepare custard apples

Custard apples may seem intimidating to prepare, but they are actually quite simple. First, select a ripe custard apple that is slightly soft to the touch and has an aroma of sweet fruit.

Next, gently cut the custard apple in half with a sharp knife. Be careful not to cut into the seeds as they are toxic and should be discarded.

Using a spoon or your fingers, remove the flesh from each half of the custard apple. The flesh will easily separate from the skin and seeds.

Once you have removed all of the flesh, discard any remaining skin and seeds. You can then enjoy the creamy sweetness of custard apples on their own or use them in recipes such as smoothies or desserts.

If you want to get creative with your preparation, try combining custard apples with other fruits such as bananas or berries for a delicious and healthy snack. With their unique flavor profile and health benefits, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t give custard apples a try!

Custard apple recipes

Custard apples are a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed in various recipes. One of the simplest ways to enjoy custard apple is by scooping out its flesh and eating it as a snack or dessert. However, there are many other creative ways to use this delicious fruit.

One popular recipe is custard apple smoothie, which involves blending custard apple pulp with milk and sugar for a creamy and nutritious drink. Another recipe is custard apple ice cream, which combines the fruit pulp with whipped cream and condensed milk before freezing.

For those who prefer savory dishes, custard apple can also be used in salads or curries. Its sweet flavor pairs well with spicy ingredients like chili peppers or ginger.

In addition to these classic recipes, there are countless variations and adaptations that can be made using custard apples. From cakes to cocktails, this tropical fruit offers endless culinary possibilities.

Incorporating custard apples into your cooking repertoire is an excellent way to add flavor and nutrition to your meals while exploring new taste sensations.


To sum it up, custard apples are a nutrient-packed fruit that offers numerous health benefits. From boosting immunity to improving digestion and promoting healthy skin, custard apple is an all-around superfood that should be included in everyone’s diet.

In this article, we have discussed the nutritional value of custard apples and highlighted some of their most significant health benefits. We have also shared tips on how to store and prepare them for maximum flavor and nutrition.

Whether you eat it alone or incorporate it into smoothies, salads, or desserts, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this delicious tropical fruit. So go ahead and add some custard apples to your next grocery list – your body will thank you!

Further resources:

  1. United States Department of Agriculture- National Nutrient Data base.
  2. Nutrition-and-you
  3. Custard apples-Australian custard apples.
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