Fact Check: White vs Brown bread - Which one should you eat?

Find out “White vs Brown bread – Which one should you eat?” Breakfast frequently includes bread. It encourages satiety while also enabling culinary experimentation.

You may build a sandwich out of it or toast it and spread butter on it. When you are pressed for time, having a full breakfast like bread will help you get your day off to a good start.

Fact Check: White vs Brown bread - Which one should you eat?

White vs Brown bread – Which one should you eat?

The market offers a variety of bread varieties. White bread is the most traditional and popular type of bread of all.

However, due to the brown variant’s health advantages, people are switching from white to brown all around the world.

Because they are seen as healthier than their white processed counterparts, brown rice, and brown sugar.

This makes many people wonder, which is actually the healthier alternative between the two.

Nutritional value

Brown bread is made using whole wheat, with their outer covering intact. This makes brown bread more nutritious and rich in fiber as compared to white bread. Brown bread contains more vitamin B-6 and E, magnesium, folic acid, zinc copper and manganese. For making white bread, wheat flour is bleached using chemicals like benzoyl peroxide, chlorine dioxide and potassium bromate to make the flour appear more white. Refined starch is added on top of the flour. But these chemicals are used in a small amount and are not that hazardous to health. White bread is low in fiber and other nutrients but contains more calcium than brown bread.

Calorie count

White bread contains more calories than brown bread. But the difference in the calorie count is not wide. A slice of white bread contains 77 calories, while a slice of brown bread contains 75 calories. Besides, brown bread has a low glycemic index as compared to white bread.

Which one is healthier

In terms of calorie content, there is not much difference between the two types of bread. When it comes to nutrients, brown bread definitely has more nutrients than white bread. But not all brown pieces of bread available in the market are healthy. The manufacturers at times add colour to white bread to make it appear brown. Even the multigrain bread that you pick from the aisle considered healthy is not exactly healthy.

If you choose to eat brown bread then look for the word caramel in the list of ingredients. This indicates that colour is added to the bread. If the term ‘whole wheat’ is mentioned in the list, it means it contains the germ and bran of the wheat grain.

Also Read | 10 Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Bread

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