What Happened To American Physician Scientist Anthony Fauci? Death Hoax Debunked

What Happened To American Physician Scientist Anthony Fauci? Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, Anthony Fauci.

He is an American immunologist who has spent more than fifty years at the National Institutes of Health of the United States in a variety of positions relating to public health.

In more than five decades of service to seven different administrations, Fauci has counseled every American president since Ronald Reagan.

During his time as director of the NIAID, Fauci has assisted in directing the federal government’s public health response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Ebola, the Zika virus, and anthrax scares. However, the start of the coronavirus outbreak catapulted him into the national spotlight, and during the Trump administration, he emerged as a key public health advocate.

What Happened To American Physician Scientist Anthony Fauci?

Anthony Fauci is not dead as of 2022. The rumor about his death is a hoax. The nation’s foremost authority on infectious diseases told CNN on Monday that Dr. Anthony Fauci intends to leave federal service at the conclusion of President Joe Biden’s current term.

He worked for President Donald Trump as one of the White House Coronavirus Task Force’s top representatives during the COVID-19 outbreak.

What Happened To American Physician Scientist Anthony Fauci
Anthony Fauci, 81, will retire by the end of Biden’s term. ( Source : Cbsnews )

Trump regularly defied Fauci’s recommendations, and Trump’s supporters claimed that Fauci was attempting to politically harm Trump’s bid for reelection. Due to this reason, Fauci and his family received several death threats.

After Joe Biden was elected vice president, Fauci started acting as Biden’s main medical advisor and as one of the team leaders on the White House COVID-19 Response Team.

Where Is American Physician Scientist?

The American Physician Scientist, Anthony Fauci is still working as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and Biden’s chief medical adviser.

Fauci, who has been the head of the NIAID for decades and serves as Biden’s senior medical advisor, said he does not presently have a precise retirement date in mind or has begun the process of resigning.

Regarding his intentions to quit government service before the conclusion of Biden’s current term, which expires in January 2025, Fauci stated, “I have said that for a long time.”

Who Is Anthony Fauci’s Wife Christine Grady?

Anthony Fauci is married to Christine Grady who is a nurse and bioethics. She is the director of the Department of Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center.

With a focus on HIV, Grady has experience in nursing, clinical research, and clinical care. Between 2010 to 2017, she served as a commissioner on the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

Anthony Fauci is married to Christine Grady is an American nurse and bioethicist.
Anthony Fauci is married to Christine Grady is an American nurse and bioethicist. ( Source : Vogue )

The pair got married in 1985. They have three daughters named Jennifer, Megan, and Alison. Their children are all grown up and are living across the country.

Anthony and Christine’s first daughter is a third-grade science teacher in New Orleans, the second is a psychologist in the Boston region, and third is a software developer who resides in Silicon Valley.

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