What Fruits And Vegetables To Avoid During Pregnancy? Here Are 5 Fruits To Avoid According To Expert

Let’s find out “What Fruits And Vegetables To Avoid During Pregnancy?” Pregnant women are advised to avoid some kinds of fruits and vegetables. These foods are high in sugar and may harm the fetus.

What Fruits And Vegetables To Avoid During Pregnancy? Here Are 5 Fruits To Avoid According To Expert

What Fruits And Vegetables To Avoid During Pregnancy? Here Are 5 Fruits To Avoid According To Expert


Pineapple is a good source of bromelain, which is a proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple. Bromelain has been shown to be effective in treating inflammation and pain from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. However, there are conflicting studies regarding its use during pregnancy; some show no harm while others suggest it may cause miscarriage or premature birth if consumed in high doses.

Pineapple also contains vitamin C and manganese; both are essential nutrients for cardiovascular health. Vitamin C supports immune system function while manganese helps regulate blood sugar levels and promote healthy growth during pregnancy by maintaining iron absorption in the body (which helps with fetal development).


Papaya is a fruit that contains a substance called papain. Papains are enzymes that break down proteins in the digestive tract, but they can also cause digestive problems and diarrhea.

Papaya also has laxative effects—and this is not good news for you or your baby if you’re pregnant! There’s no way to know how much of the enzyme will be absorbed by your body without testing it yourself first (which isn’t recommended during pregnancy).


Berries are a great fruit to add to your diet during pregnancy. They’re high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. Some even have more calcium than milk!

However, be aware that berries are also high in sugar—which can impact your blood glucose levels if you’re not careful. If you want to eat them anyway, try eating them without adding any other sweeteners (like honey) or toppings such as whipped cream or ice cream.


Rhubarb is actually safe to eat in moderation, but it should not be eaten raw or in large amounts. Rhubarb is high in oxalates—a mineral that can cause bladder stones and kidney stones. Eating too many oxalates during pregnancy could harm the baby’s kidneys or urinary tract as well as cause constipation.

In order for rhubarb to be truly safe for pregnant women, it must be cooked first before consumption. This will reduce the amount of potentially harmful substances that may be present when you eat it raw (the same goes for all other vegetables).

Exotic fruits and vegetables

  • Avoid exotic fruits and vegetables. This includes non-native species that have been imported from other parts of the world, such as mangoes, papayas and avocados.

Pregnant mothers are advised to avoid some kinds of fruits and vegetables.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that pregnant women avoid eating any raw, undercooked or unpasteurized foods. The agency also advises pregnant women to avoid eating uncooked fish, including sushi, because it may contain high levels of mercury.

Pregnant women should also be careful about what they eat during pregnancy because certain foods have been known to cause problems for unborn children in the womb. It’s important for mothers-to-be to know which foods are safe for them and their babies during pregnancy so they can make informed decisions about what they eat each day when shopping at the grocery store or dining out with friends and family members who might not have as much knowledge about these matters yet!

Final Note

We hope you find this article helpful in making decisions about what fruits and vegetables to avoid during pregnancy. Please feel free to share your thoughts on these foods in the comments section below!