Who Is Josh Duggar Wife Anna Renee Duggar? She Listens in Horror as She Learns How Husband Hid Crime – Anna Duggar has been by Josh’s side since the first pre-trial hearing, as he fights claims of receiving and possessing child pornography.

And we believe it’s reasonable to say that it hasn’t always been easy for her.

Anna fled the courtroom earlier this week during a summary of Josh’s alleged offenses.

On Thursday, she sat and listened as prosecutors described the intricate methods by which Josh concealed his heinous behavior from his wife and others.

Who Is Josh Duggar Wife Anna Renee Duggar? She Listens in Horror as She Learns How Husband Hid Crimes
Who Is Josh Duggar Wife Anna Renee Duggar? She Listens in Horror as She Learns How Husband Hid Crimes

Long before Josh was arrested on child pornography charges back in April, Anna was acting as his keeper.

She knew then that he could not be trusted to use the internet unsupervised.

It was initially reported that Josh was caught using the affair-facilitating website Ashley Madison.

Joshua Duggar Picture

In response, Anna installed a program called Covenant Eyes.

That is a program which is used to allow one user to monitor another person’s browsing.

However, we now know that Anna installed the program in 2013, two years prior to the Ashley Madison scandal.

Josh and Anna Go to Court

So apparently, he’s been giving her cause to be suspicious for even longer than we thought.

Wisely, Anna chose to install the program on the devices Josh used at his workplace.

But according to prosecutors, he found it quite easy to circumvent her safeguards.

Josh Duggar at the Piano

The prosecution had to make it clear to the jury how Josh might have been able to download child porn in spite of Anna’s precautions.

So, in court, they called to the stand Jeffrey Wofford.

Wofford is the Vice President of Technology for Covenant Eyes Inc.

Josh and Anna Duggar Get Fancy

Wofford began on Thursday by confirming that Anna had an account with the company for the better part of a decade.

He then explained to the jury that “[the user] identifies someone they love and trust” in order to monitor the activity on their devices.

“His [Duggar’s] report sensitivity was set to mature teen. It’s fairly common, many users use this one,” Wofford explained

Josh and Anna Duggar and Fam

That particular setting does not permit the user to access any pornographic content.

His lawyers made arguments that his homeschool education left him woefully ignorant of modern technology.

Despite that, Josh easily side-stepped the virtual blockade by installing a Linux disk partition.

Joshua Duggar Picture

This essentially enabled him to “split” his computer in two.

Wofford admitted that his program is not designed to combat this technique.

“There are not that many Linux users,” Wofford fold the court.

Josh and Anna Leaving Court

He added that the operating system is used by more “sophisticated” internet users.

That is a classification that apparently includes Josh.

Josh … and any other adult who can find an unmonitored device and look up ways to circumvent surveillance.

Josh Duggar Mug Shot

The program is most often used by parents seeking to monitor their kids’ activity.

That is a very different target than grown-up business owners with countless devices and unlimited time at their disposal.

We guess that, because of that, the company didn’t feel the need to anticipate every contingency.

Anna Duggar Goes QAnon Crazy

According to a report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Anna sat “stone-faced” as the prosecution described Josh’s methods for evading her scrutiny.

Insiders say Anna still thoroughly believes in her husband’s innocence.

As such, reports say that she’s convinced that he’ll be acquitted.

Anna Duggar and Josh Duggar and Child

Apparently, Anna believes Josh has been framed by the Biden administration.

She feels that he never would have been arrested had Donald Trump been re-elected.

Her delusion speaks to the level of self-deception that’s been necessary for the Duggar family to operate all of these years.

Duggar, Anna Photo

This is an upsetting case, and many are overwhelmed with anxiety as they await news of a verdict.

Josh’s incarceration will not restore any ruined lives or unmake any horrible videos, but it will keep him off of the streets.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


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Last Updated on December 3, 2021 by 247 News Around The World