20 Ways to Make Your Kid Active in Classroom

A look at “20 Ways to Make Your Kid Active in Classroom” As parents, we all want our kids to be their best in the classroom. But sometimes it’s hard to get them motivated and engaged, especially when they’re stuck behind a desk all day. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make those classroom hours more active and enjoyable for your child. From technology-based solutions to simple physical activities and games, here are 20 ways to make your kid active in the classroom. Not only will these ideas help keep your child engaged, but they will also help them learn better and stay healthy as well!

20 Ways to Make Your Kid Active in Classroom

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It’s no secret that getting a good night’s sleep is important for overall health and well-being. But did you know that it can also help your child be more active in the classroom?

That’s right, research has shown that children who get enough sleep are more likely to be alert and engaged in school. So if you want your child to excel in the classroom, make sure they’re getting plenty of rest!

There are a few things you can do to help ensure your child gets a good night’s sleep:

– Establish a bedtime routine and stick to it as much as possible. This will help cue your child’s body that it’s time to wind down for the night.

– Create a calm and relaxing environment in their bedroom. This means keeping screens out of the bedroom (that includes TVs, laptops, and phones) and making sure the room is dark and free from noise.

– Avoid giving them caffeine late in the day. Caffeine can stay in their system for up to 8 hours, so it’s best to avoid it after lunchtime.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Making sure your kid eats a healthy breakfast is important for many reasons. A nutritious breakfast provides energy and essential nutrients that help kids focus and learn throughout the day. It also helps them maintain a healthy weight.

There are many easy and healthy breakfast options that your kid will love. A few of our favorites include:

1. Overnight oats: Simply combine rolled oats, milk, yogurt, fruit, and nuts in a jar or container the night before. In the morning, your kid will have a delicious and nutritious breakfast ready to go!

2. Banana pancakes: These are a fun twist on traditional pancakes that are sure to please even the pickiest eaters! All you need to do is add some mashed bananas to your pancake batter. You can also top them with sliced bananas and a little bit of honey for an extra special treat.

3. Breakfast burrito: This is a great option for kids who need something they can eat on the go. Just fill a whole wheat tortilla with scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, and diced veggies. Then roll it up and voila – breakfast is served!

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest ways to make your kid active in the classroom. It’s essential for their health and will help them focus and stay on task throughout the day. Make sure they start the day with a glass of water and keep a water bottle handy so they can stay hydrated throughout the day.

Dress Comfortably

It is important for kids to be comfortable in their clothing so they can focus on their schoolwork. Make sure your child’s clothes are loose-fitting and allow them to move freely. Avoid clothing that is constricting or uncomfortable.

Don’t Skip Meals

It’s important for kids to have a nutritious breakfast before school, so they can focus and be alert during the day. Skipping meals can lead to fatigue and make it difficult to concentrate. A good breakfast option is oatmeal with fresh fruit, yogurt, or whole-grain toast with peanut butter.

Move Around Every 20 Minutes

When you sit for long periods of time, your body begins to stiffen up and your mind can become foggy. To avoid this, make sure to move around every 20 minutes or so. Stand up and stretch your arms and legs, or take a quick walk around the room. This will help keep your body and mind active and alert.

Take Breaks

One of the best ways to get your kid active in the classroom is to take breaks. Let them get up and move around for a few minutes every hour or so. This will help them stay focused and engaged in what they’re doing.

There are plenty of activities that kids can do to stay active during break time. They can run around outside, play tag, jump rope, or even just walk laps around the school grounds. If you have a playground at your school, make use of it! Letting your kid play on the monkey bars or swing for a few minutes will burn off some energy and help them focus when they go back to class.

If your school doesn’t have a playground, there are still plenty of ways to keep your kid active during their break time. Encourage them to do some jumping jacks or sit-ups, or play a game of catch with a friend. Just about anything that gets them moving will do the trick!

Do Some Physical Activity Every Day

It’s no secret that kids today are less active than ever before. With all the technology at their fingertips and the lure of video games and television, it can be hard to get kids up and moving. But physical activity is essential for children’s health, both physically and mentally. Here are some ways you can help your child be more active in the classroom:

-Encourage them to stand up and move around every few minutes, even if it’s just walking around the room or stretching.
-Set a timer for physical activity breaks throughout the day. For example, after every 20 minutes of sitting, have them do a quick lap around the room or do some jumping jacks.
-Make sure they’re getting enough physical activity outside of school. This could mean signing them up for sports teams or just making sure they’re getting regular exercise every day.
-Talk to their teacher about ways to make the classroom more physically active. Maybe there could be more movement-based activities built into the lesson plans or more opportunities for physical activity during recess.

By incorporating physical activity into your child’s school day, you’ll help them stay healthy and fit while also improving their concentration and focus in class.

Join an Outdoor Activity Club

One easy way to get your kid more active in the classroom is to have them join an outdoor activity club. This could be a hiking club, a biking club, or even just a walking club. The important thing is that they are getting out and being active with other kids their age. This will not only help them be more active in the classroom, but it will also help them socialize and make new friends.

Be a Role Model

If you want your kid to be active in the classroom, one of the best things you can do is be a role model. Let them see you being active and engaged in your own learning. Show them that you value education and that it’s important to you. When they see how much you value learning, they’ll be more likely to want to be active in the classroom themselves.

Mind warm-up

When it comes to getting kids active in the classroom, one of the best things you can do is to start with a mind warm-up. This can help them get their brains going and ready to learn. There are a few different ways to do this, but some of our favorites include:

1. Have them stand up and stretch for a few minutes. This can help them get their blood flowing and wake up their muscles.

2. Give them a short mental puzzle to solve. This could be something as simple as counting backwards from 10 or coming up with a list of words that start with a certain letter.

3. Have them do some deep breathing exercises. This will help them relax and focus on the task at hand.

4. Get them moving! Even just having them walk around the room or doing some simple calisthenics can get their bodies ready to learn.

Class discussions

Class discussions are a great way to get your kid active in the classroom. It allows them to share their ideas and thoughts with the rest of the class, and also listen to what others have to say. This can help them learn new things and understand different points of view. Additionally, participating in class discussions can help your kid develop critical thinking and communication skills.

Bring visual tools

When it comes to making your kid active in the classroom, one of the best ways to do so is by bringing visual tools. Visual tools can help kids in a number of ways, from understanding new concepts to retaining information more effectively.

One great visual tool you can use is a whiteboard. Whiteboards are perfect for drawing out diagrams or charts that can explain complicated ideas clearly. You can also use them for quick brainstorming sessions or to jot down key points from a lesson.

Another great visual tool is a document camera. Document cameras can be used to display books or other materials on a screen so that everyone can see them. They’re great for sharing pictures or illustrations with the class.

Finally, consider using an LCD projector. LCD projectors allow you to show images or videos on a large screen, which can help grab kids’ attention and keep them engaged in the lesson.

Skills grouping

One way to make sure your child is engaged in the classroom is to group skills together. This means that if your child is struggling with a particular skill, they can be grouped with other children who are also struggling with that skill. This way, they can learn from each other and get support from each other. This can also be a good way to challenge your child, as they will be surrounded by other children who are working hard to improve their skills.

Keep them busy

In order to make sure your kid is active in the classroom, there are a few things you can do. First, keep them busy with things like art and crafts or other projects that they can work on. This will help to prevent them from getting bored and fidgeting in their seat. Secondly, make sure they have plenty of physical activity throughout the day so they can release all that energy and be better able to focus in the classroom. Finally, give them some downtime after school or during weekends to relax and wind down so they don’t come into class feeling too overwhelmed.

Try active toys

There are a lot of active toys that can help your kid stay active in the classroom. Some of these toys include:

-A small trampoline
-A hula hoop
-A jump rope
-A set of cones or plastic balls

These toys can help your kid stay active and engaged in the classroom. They can also help your kid burn off some energy so they can focus better on their schoolwork.

Mix up teaching styles

It’s important to mix up your teaching styles in the classroom to keep your students engaged. Here are some ways to do that:

– Use a variety of activities, such as hands-on projects, group work, and individual work.

– Incorporate technology into your lessons. For example, use video clips, online games, and interactive websites.

– Get your students moving by incorporating movement breaks throughout the day. For example, have a dance party or do some Yoga poses.

– Switch up your lesson delivery methods. For example, instead of lecturing from the front of the room, try doing a think-pair-share activity or holding a discussion.

Plan outdoor activities

There are a number of outdoor activities that can get your kid active in the classroom. Here are a few ideas:

– Taking a nature walk: This is a great way to get your kid moving and exploring the outdoors. Make sure to point out interesting things along the way and ask questions to keep their minds active as well.

– Playing tag or other games: Running around and playing games is a great way for kids to burn off energy. If you have a large enough group, you can even set up teams and play more organized games such as Capture the Flag.

– Going on a scavenger hunt: This is another activity that gets kids moving while also stimulating their minds. You can hide things around the playground or school grounds for them to find, or give them a list of items to look for.

Cooperative learning strategies

1. Cooperative learning strategies are an important part of making your kid active in the classroom.

2. By working together with other students on activities and projects, kids can learn to be more engaged and invested in their own education.

3.There are a number of different cooperative learning strategies that teachers can use, and it’s important to find one that works best for your child’s personality and learning style.

4. Some popular cooperative learning strategies include jigsaw puzzles, think-pair-share, round robin reading, and group projects.

5. Helping your child to be actively involved in the classroom will not only improve their grades and test scores, but also their overall attitude towards school.

Set a good example

It’s important for kids to see their parents being active in order to learn that it’s something that’s valuable and worth doing. Try to be active yourself in front of your kids as often as possible. If you can, join in on their physical activity activities at school or at home. This will set a good example for them and help them understand the importance of being active.

Why It’s Important for Kids to Be Active

It’s important for kids to be active in the classroom for a number of reasons. First, it helps them to stay focused and attentive. When kids are up and moving around, they’re more likely to be engaged in what’s going on around them. Additionally, physical activity has been shown to improve cognitive function and academic performance. Finally, being active can help to combat childhood obesity and other health problems that are associated with sedentary lifestyles.

The Benefits of an Active Kid

An active kid is a happy kid! And there are plenty of benefits that come along with keeping your child moving throughout the school day. Here are just a few:

1. Improved focus and concentration.
2. Increased energy levels.
3. Greater sense of well-being and calmness.
4. strengthening muscles and bones.
5. Enhanced academic performance.


Making your child active in the classroom is a great way to help them stay engaged and focused during their school day. With 20 different activities outlined above, it’s easy to find something that will work for you and your child. Whether it’s setting up reward systems, engaging in active learning games, or simply encouraging movement breaks throughout the day, there are so many ways to get kids motivated and excited about learning. Let us know which tips have worked best for you by leaving a comment below!

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