Considering the recovery period is crucial when contemplating a Mommy Makeover, as it significantly influences the decision-making process for undergoing this procedure.

Mommy makeovers have recently gained immense popularity, becoming one of the most sought-after plastic surgeries. This surge in interest is often attributed to various celebrities who miraculously regain their trim figures within a few months after childbirth. Contrary to widespread belief, however, mommy makeover surgery cannot swiftly return patients to their pre-baby selves, especially not in the mere months following childbirth.

How Painful Is Recovery From Mommy Makeover?
How Painful Is Recovery From Mommy Makeover?

Both the act of childbirth and the subsequent mommy makeover surgery impose considerable stress on the patient’s body. Therefore, it is not advisable to undergo such a procedure immediately before giving birth.

If you are contemplating a mommy makeover within the recommended timeframe post-childbirth and are curious about the duration of the recovery period, continue reading below. Additionally, discover some valuable tips for a smoother mommy makeover recovery. So read on to learn more about Arm Lift and Than Arm Liposuction plastic surgery procedures.

How Painful Is Recovery From Mommy Makeover?

The level of pain you experience after a mommy makeover will depend on several factors, including the specific procedures you undergo, your individual pain tolerance, and how well you follow your surgeon’s instructions.

In general, you can expect to experience some pain and discomfort in the days following your surgery. This is due to swelling, bruising, and incision pain. The pain will typically be most intense in the first 24-48 hours after surgery and gradually subside over the next few weeks.

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help manage your discomfort. You may also find that over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, are helpful.

Here are some additional tips for managing pain after a mommy makeover:

  • Rest and avoid strenuous activity.
  • Apply ice packs to the treated areas to reduce swelling.
  • Wear a compression garment to support your body and reduce pain.
  • Elevate your legs and feet to help reduce swelling.
  • Get plenty of sleep.

If you find that your pain is not controlled by your medication, or if you are experiencing any other concerning symptoms, such as fever or infection, be sure to contact your surgeon immediately.

Mommy makeover recovery pain you might experience

Pain is a completely normal aspect of recovery time for mommy makeover surgery and one that will considerably fade once you hit week 2. 

You should avoid lifting items such as groceries, or even your baby, since this could cause significant pain, along with other strenuous exercises. You will have to take pain medications as prescribed, but also to wean off of them as soon as your doctor advises so.

Here is a timeline of what you can expect in terms of pain after a mommy makeover:

  • Days 1-2: The most intense pain, typically requiring prescription pain medication.
  • Days 3-5: Pain starts to subside, and over-the-counter pain medication may be sufficient.
  • Weeks 2-4: Pain is much less noticeable, but some soreness may persist.
  • Months 2-3: Most pain should be resolved, but some numbness or tingling may remain.

Remember, everyone heals at their own pace, so your experience may vary from this timeline. Be patient with yourself and listen to your body. If you have any concerns about your pain or recovery, don’t hesitate to talk to your surgeon.

Mommy makeover recovery tips

Certain tips can help you go through mommy makeover recovery much faster, and these are some of the best universal ones.

Tip 1 – Walk short distances

Although strenuous activity is not advised, walking short distances is highly recommended for a speedy and healthy recovery. Not only does it help your body to fully heal, but also reduces any risks of future complications. Walking can keep the body from becoming stiff, decrease swelling and stop blood clots from forming.

Tip 2 – Prepare your recovery room

This is something you should do before you undergo surgery. Setting up a recovery area with blankets and pillows can help you feel more comfortable. Have plenty of entertainment at hand, by trying to avoid comedy in the beginning, so you don’t tear up some stitches.

Make sure to have a table next to your bed, along with some oversized undergarments to make undressing easier.

Tip 3 – Follow post-surgery instructions

This tip is essential and can not be repeated enough, even though it sounds like common sense – something patients would do anyway during the mommy makeover recovery time. If you don’t follow your doctor’s instructions carefully, chances are some complications will occur. 

The instructions provided for you are meant to help you heal properly in order to get your desired results. This also means you need to attend all follow-up appointments to ensure that you’re recovery is going as planned.

Side effects you should be prepared for

Most of the side effects that patients experience post-surgery we already mentioned, but here is a slight overview that can help you get a better idea of what you can expect if decide to undergo this surgery. 

  • Grogginess after surgery
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Numbness, tingling, and breast sensitivity
  • Post-surgical scarring

These side effects are normal and expected after such a procedure, and you should be able to go through them faster if you follow the instructions of your doctor and ask for help when it’s due during your mommy makeover recovery time.

Prior to the procedure itself, bear in mind that, due to the immense stress on your body that was put by pregnancy and childbirth – undergoing a mommy makeover surgery soon afterward can be dangerous, and no reputable surgeon will agree to do it. It is required to wait at least six months after giving birth before undergoing any invasive plastic surgery – which is something you want to make sure to remember before you make any drastic decisions.

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Note: This article is written based on scientific evidence found by the team. Sources are duly referenced with keywords hyperlinked to source websites and are clickable for reference.

Last Updated on November 26, 2023 by 247 News Around The World