The Truth About Baby Probiotics: Does Your Baby Need Them

Let’s discuss “The Truth About Baby Probiotics: Does Your Baby Need Them” Often many newborn babies have digestive problems. The first year of life is associated with colic and bloating. Parents can alleviate this discomfort by introducing probiotics into their baby’s diet. If your baby is breastfed, breast milk has a beneficial effect on his or her gastrointestinal tract.

Breast milk is the most natural food for a baby, the “gold standard” with a huge range of health benefits. Ideally, for up to six months, it should be the only source of nutrition for the baby. Breast milk has a very complex structure and contains all the nutrients a baby needs for normal growth and development. Not surprisingly, scientists have been studying its composition for more than half a century. In addition to nutrients, breast milk also contains a variety of “biotics” – prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. So when you breastfeed your baby, a lot of lactic acid bacteria settle in the baby’s digestive system: they create a protective layer on the intestinal walls and do not allow pathogens to multiply.

The Truth About Baby Probiotics: Does Your Baby Need Them

Peculiarities of the gut microbiota of a baby

The baby’s gut begins to develop as early as the first minutes of his/her life – bacteria actively occupy the skin and mucous membranes of the newborn. Ideally, the baby gets the entire composition of the gut microbiota from the mother: the baby’s skin is populated with microorganisms from her skin, and the digestive tract – probiotics from milk. And this point is critical: you can not underestimate the role of beneficial bacteria in a child’s life. It is a regulator of digestion and an essential participant in metabolic processes. It is a “producer” of some vitamins and valuable molecules for the child’s development and protector of the GI tract from pathogenic microorganisms and allergens. Today, the state of the child’s microbiota is considered an independent risk factor for developing pathological processes and some diseases. All over the world, pediatricians recognize the importance of taking care of the composition and balance of the gut microbiota.

A formula-fed baby has far fewer “good” bacteria and needs additional support. So when choosing baby food (after visiting your pediatrician), pay attention to a formula with probiotics.


What problems can arise in a baby due to a bacterial imbalance?

  • Colic – spastic abdominal pain, the result of the immaturity of the digestive tract and nervous system of a newborn;
  • The increased gas formation, bloating of the abdomen;
  • Stool disorders: constipation or diarrhea;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – dysfunction of the organ without an apparent organic cause;
  • Difficult defecation due to ineffective intestinal peristalsis;
  • Susceptibility to intestinal infections;
  • Increased risk of allergic reactions;
  • Insufficient absorption of beneficial elements of food;
  • Risk of developing atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases.

It is worth mentioning that these problems can arise both from the gastrointestinal tract’s immaturity and the gut’s bacterial imbalance.


 What probiotics your baby needs

Probiotics are considered safe drugs, even for children in their first year of life, given the components that probiotics contain. Probiotics’ microorganisms are representative of the normal human microbiota, so they are usually well absorbed when consumed. Remember that probiotics’ health benefits depend on the strain, so you should visit your pediatrician before taking them. Benefits of probiotics for children:

  • Supports the body’s natural protection and immune system function;
  • Can reduce the frequency and duration of cold symptoms;
  • Promotes normal digestive tract function;
  • Maintains daily well-being.


What baby foods with probiotics can parents choose to enrich the baby’s diet?

If breastfeeding is minimal or impossible in the first year of life, the baby is given formula milk. It is not possible to replace breast milk with goat’s milk or whole cow’s milk, as these products are difficult to digest in infancy. You can also find products with probiotics and prebiotics for complementary feeding. Replacing breast milk in the first and second half of the year can be milk formulas 1 and 2, according to age. The formula contains live lactic acid lactobacillus bacteria. Their regular intake has a positive effect on the whole organism. Such formulas are also full of other elements necessary for the child’s development – vitamins and minerals.

Milk formulas with probiotics are age-appropriate. Some of them are used for newborns. Some are used from 6 months, 8 months, or 10 months of age. The manufacturer indicates these values on the package of the formula for better understanding. When using milk formulas with probiotics, digestive disorders in children are much less common. These formulas are used both for formula and mixed feeding. Parents can use them for newborns from the first day of life. They have a preventive effect, strengthen the immune system and contribute to the improvement of health. It is also worth checking the vitamin and mineral composition of the formula, paying special attention to the presence of vitamin D and iron, as they are important for the baby’s full development.

The HiPP formula has a unique composition. It is a healthy food containing a combination of prebiotics and probiotics for the development of healthy gut microbiota, an optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and nucleotides for the full development and growth of the baby. The benefits of Hipp formulas:

  • quality certified organic dairy base, not conventional;
  • omega fatty acids for baby’s brain and vision development, which are very important for a baby;
  • balanced composition of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, optimal for the particular age of the baby;
  • vitamins, iron, calcium, and other essential ingredients for the healthy development and growth of a baby;
  • no sugar, starch, dyes, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavors, GMOs;
  • ease of use and storage.