Actress and musician Vanessa Hudgens, renowned for her roles in “High School Musical,” made a significant revelation on the red carpet of the 2024 Oscars by announcing her pregnancy. Hudgens, expecting her first child with her husband, baseball player Cole Tucker, elegantly debuted her baby bump in a long-sleeved black dress, sharing the joy of impending parenthood with the world.
This announcement followed the couple’s intimate wedding in Mexico, exclusively covered by Vogue. The wedding, set in the Mayan jungle near Tulum, was a “magical weekend” according to Hudgens, who expressed gratitude for the private setting that allowed meaningful connections to flourish.
The news of Hudgens’s pregnancy was met with warm congratulations from the public. The actress, also co-hosting the Academy’s official pre-show red carpet coverage with Julianne Hough, showcased her bump in a form-fitting black Vera Wang Couture gown, complemented by Chopard jewelry. The couple’s first child is anticipated as a joyous addition to their lives, building upon the enchantment of their recent wedding ceremony.
Hudgens and Tucker’s December 2023 wedding was an intimate affair, described by Hudgens as “genuinely the most magical weekend of my life.” Opting for a private celebration allowed the couple to focus on the union with their loved ones, creating cherished memories that surpassed Hudgens’s expectations.
The journey from dating to marriage and now impending parenthood has been characterized by moments of joy and intimacy, with Hudgens expressing gratitude for the unwavering support from family and friends.
Making the pregnancy announcement on the Oscars red carpet was a poignant choice, symbolizing the couple’s desire to share their personal milestones with the world. Hudgens’s growing family, combined with her recent wedding to Tucker, is met with excitement and congratulations from fans and media alike, as the couple embarks on their new adventure as parents.
Last Updated on March 11, 2024 by 247 News Around The World