The COVID rules allow for far more activity now than they did in February, when it was even illegal to sit with your friend on a park bench.

We can go to the pub, have a meal out, and if you’re a Uefa VIP, you can fly into the country to attend the Euros without quarantine. But we’re not back to normal. The reminders are everywhere. Friends changing their wedding plans yet again, families keeping gatherings small, so as to not break the law of six. Postponing life events, deciding whom to exclude from Sunday lunch – it’s no way to live for any extended period of time. It seems many in Whitehall, or with close connections to it, agree.

The revelation about Matt Hancock’s “affair” with health department aide Gina Coladangelo is the crystalised example of what we’ve been noticing for weeks now: for ministers, G7 leaders and professional footballers, the rules don’t seem to apply.

From travelling the world at the height of the third wave, to cramming into offices like they did pre-pandemic, ministers have been taking advantage of all the loopholes in the Covid rules – easy when they’ve helped to design them for the rest of us.

Hancock’s actions, however, were explicitly against the rules. His situation was untenable. The problem wasn’t simply that he stepped out of line but that he seemed to take such pleasure over the past 15 months in acting as the nation’s moral arbiter.

This is the Health Secretary who toured the TV studios last autumn to tell viewers exactly who could and couldn’t have intimate relations under the emergency laws; who sided with the police when two women were accused of breaking the law for going on a socially distanced walk with some takeaway coffees.

To discover that he was apparently having an “affair” when it was illegal for couples who didn’t live together to even enter each other’s homes is rank hypocrisy, yes, but moreover it confirms our worst fears during a state of emergency: that those in power will act in one way while demanding the public acts in another.

Mr Hancock resigned last night, as it became increasingly obvious that he hadn’t just lost the trust of the public, but of his fellow MPs as well. He insists he didn’t want to “distract attention” from tackling the virus.

The Prime Minister, we were told, had drawn a line under it, but this wasn’t going to be enough. Imagine watching him this week dish out Covid updates, reiterating we must follow the rules – what would the public think? If the Government doesn’t take advantage of the “break clause” in its roadmap delay, and move up Freedom Day to July 5, Hancock could never have credibly been the one to explain this.

But questions remain about that delay: is it really too dangerous for us to go back to our normal lives, when Hancock seemingly reclaimed his liberties months ago? This weekend’s news has once again highlighted that human behaviour cannot, for any length of time, be subjected to rules instructing every aspect of our lives.

But this isn’t about affairs or trysts: it’s about countless people who have been struggling or suffering for well over a year now, because their personal situations didn’t receive exemptions in the Covid legislation.

The implications of this reach far past Freedom Day.

There is already talk of raising restrictions again this winter, when the combination of Covid and flu season puts the NHS under more strain.

Sage member Professor Calum Semple predicted a “pretty miserable winter” last week, while Public Health England’s Professor Susan Hopkins warned of possible further lockdowns in our future. If the worst hypothetical scenarios come true – a variant that undermines the vaccines, a new virus even deadlier than Covid – we’re back to square one.

But a bad habit is developing in our national discourse: we lean so much towards the hypotheticals, we forget to address how successful the vaccine programme has been.

The Prime Minister has even been guilty of this, playing down vaccines in order to encourage adherence to the rules.

But we are not in the same position we were last year.

While Hopkins warns of future lockdowns, PHE’s latest “variant of concern” report published last week shows two vaccine doses are estimated 93 and 96 per cent effective at preventing hospitalisations, against the Kent and Indian variants respectively. Thanks to the vaccine rollout, more than 85 per cent of adults in England are estimated to have antibodies.

If the data remains this positive, we can soon do what Chancellor Rishi Sunak described as living “without fear”.

And do we really have a choice? It’s becoming clearer by the day these rules are not sustainable.

Professor Neil Ferguson and Dr Catherine Calderwood, Scotland’s former chief medical officer, lost their jobs in the first lockdown, because they couldn’t follow the rules. We have countless examples now that politicians can’t follow them either.

The public has been exemplary in their willingness to sacrifice during this crisis. But lockdown fatigue is taking its toll. It’s about time all of us – not just those in charge – got to reap the benefits of the successful vaccine programme and pivot to a more sustainable way of living. Something that resembles normal life.


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Last Updated on June 28, 2021 by 247 News Around The World